Immunization for Preschoolers

To: Parents of Busy Beaver Preschoolers

From: Busy Beaver Preschool and the Dept. of Public Health and Human Services

Re: Immunizations for Busy Beaver preschoolers

Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services, informed us that starting with the 2014-2015 school year, the Montana Legislature has requested that we once again  review the immunization status of children in preschools and Head Start programs.

Consequently, we will need to have a copy of your child’s immunizations on file as we have to submit a report by December 1, 2020. Montana compiles a state report and submits the total number of students per grade and their immunization status.

Since 2002, there have been immunization requirements for preschool children.

Please contact the Richland County Health Department with any of your questions @ 433-2207

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