Chapter 3 Age of Exploration

Ch.3 Age of Exploration

1.       merchant – someone who buys and sells goods to earn money

2.       kingdom – a place ruled by a king or queen

3.       caravan – a group of people and animals who travel together

4.       technology – the use of scientific knowledge and tools to do things better and more rapidly

5.       navigation – the science of planning and controlling the direction of a ship

6.       astrolabe – a tool that measures the height of the sun or a star above the horizon

7.       profit – the money a business has left over after all expenses have been paid

8.       slavery – a cruel system in which people are bought and sold and made to work without pay

9.       settlement – a small community of people living in a new place

10.   epidemic – an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many people

11.   circumnavigate – to sail completely around something

12.   expedition – a journey to achieve a goal

13.   conquistador – the Spanish word for conqueror

14.   empire – many nations or territories ruled by a single group or leader

15.   colony – an area of land ruled by another country

16.   mission – a religious community where priests taught Christianity

17.   convert – to change a religion or a belief

18.   hacienda – a large farm or ranch, often with its own village and church

19.   revolt – a violent uprising

20.   Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, traveled to Asia for goods. The route was called the Silk Road.

21.   The Renaissance was a time of new learning and knowledge when Europeans took interest in ideas from the Greeks, Romans, and people from Africa and Asia.

22.   Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1454. The printing press allowed books and ideas to spread across Europe.

23.   Portugal was the 1st European country to find a sea route to Asia.

24.   Prince Henry, the Navigator, created a school for navigation even though he didn’t go on any voyages.

25.   The caravel is a small, light ship with triangular sails.

26.   Dias sailed to the tip of Africa.

DaGama sailed around Africa and on to India.

27.   King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to pay for Columbus’ exploration westward.

28.   Columbus mistakenly believed he had reached land off the coast of Asia, near India. He named the islands the West Indies and the people Indians.

29.   The movement of plants, animals, and people between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres is known as the Columbian Exchange.

30.   Magellan set out to prove that it was possible to sail west to Asia. He was correct. His crew finished the trip and was the first to circumnavigate the world.

31.   Cortes used guns and horses to defeat the Aztecs of Mexico. Moctezuma was the Aztec king.

32.   Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain and looked for the “Fountain of Youth.”

33.   De Soto explored the Southeast part of North America. He was the first to reach the Mississippi River, but he found no riches.

34.   Coronado explored the Southwest part of North America. He claimed land for Spain but found no riches.

35.   The land claimed by Spain was called New Spain. St. Augustine, Florida, is the oldest city in the U.S. built by Europeans.