Chapter 4 European Settlements

Ch.4 European Settlements

1.       Claim – something declared as one’s own, especially a piece of land

2.       Armada – the Spanish word for a large fleet of ships

3.       Invasion – an attack by an armed force to conquer another country

4.       Charter – a document that gives certain freedoms to a person or group

5.       Invest –to put money into something to try to make more money

6.       Stock – a share of ownership in a company

7.       Cash crop – a crop that people grow and sell to earn money

8.       Indentured servant – someone who agreed to work for a number of years in exchange for a trip to America

9.       Pilgrim – a person who makes a long journey for religious reasons

10.   Compact – an agreement

11.   Cape – a strip of land that stretches into a body of water

12.   Diversity – the variety of people in a group

13.   Tolerance – the respect for beliefs that are different from one’s own

14.   Missionary – a person who teaches his or her religion to others who have different beliefs

15.   The sea route that explorers looked for across N. America was known as the Northwest Passage.

16.   French exploration:

a.       Verrazano – east coast of N. America (the very edge)

b.      Cartier – St. Lawrence River in Canada

c.       Champlain – founded Quebec on the St. Lawrence River

17.   Dutch exploration:

a.       Hudson – Hudson River in NY and Hudson Bay in Canada


18.   Francis Drake was an English sea captain who helped England in her fight against Spain.

19.   England’s first attempt at a colony, Roanoke, was a failure.

20.   The Virginia Co. started the colony of Jamestown in Virginia in 1607.

21.   John Smith was the leader of Jamestown, the first English settlement in America.

22.   John Rolfe helped Jamestown by:

a.       growing the cash crop of tobacco (made a profit)

b.      marrying Pocahontas (brought peace with the Indians)
(Remember: Tobacco makes you “Rolfe”!)

23.   The Pilgrims came to America for religious freedom. They wrote the Mayflower Compact, the first written plan for government in North America.

24.   The Pilgrims settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

25.   Squanto and Massasoit helped the Pilgrims survive. They had a celebration feast after their first harvest (Thanksgiving).

26.   William Bradford, governor of Plymouth, made peace with the Indians and wrote of their experiences.

27.   The Puritans came to America for religious freedom. They settled in Boston.

28.   The Dutch started the colony of New Netherland.  Peter Minuet was the governor.

29.   Peter Stuyvesant tried to restore order to New Amsterdam, but the English took over and renamed it New York.

30.   France claimed much of North America in the 1600’s, but few settlers lived there.

31.   Marquette and Jolliet traveled down the Mississippi River, building missions along the way.

32.   LaSalle claimed the Mississippi River and all the land around it for France.