Chapter 5 New England Colonies

Ch.5 New England Colonies

1.       Growing season – the time of year when it is warm enough for plants to grow

2.       tidewater – where the water in rivers and streams rises and falls with the ocean’s tides

3.       fall line – the line where rivers from higher land flow to lower land and often form waterfalls

4.       backcountry – the mountainous area west of where most colonists settled

5.       town meeting – a gathering where colonists held elections and voted on the laws for their towns

6.       self-government – when the people who live in a place make laws for themselves

7.       dissenter – a person who does not agree with the beliefs of his or her leaders

8.       banish – to force someone to leave a place

9.       industry – all the businesses that make one kind of product or provide one kind of service

10.   export – a product sent to another country and sold

11.   import – a good brought into one country from another

12.   Middle Passage –the voyage of enslaved Africans from Africa to the West Indies

13.   Slave trade – the business of buying and selling human beings

14.   The English colonies are divided into 3 groups:

a.       New England Colonies (north)

b.      Middle Colonies (in the middle)

c.       Southern Colonies (south)

15.   Farming in New England was difficult because of:

a.       Rocky soil

b.      Cold climate

16.   Crops grew well in the Middle and Southern Colonies because of the fertile soil. They also had waterways for transportation and shipping.

17.   The Appalachian Mountains extended through the English colonies.

18.   The New England colonies were:

a.       Massachusetts

b.      Rhode Island

c.       Connecticut

d.      Maine

19.   Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson started Rhode Island (RI). RI had religious freedom.

20.   Thomas Hooker started Connecticut (CT). Men of all religions were allowed to vote in CT.

21.   Fighting over New England land between Puritan colonists and the Wampanoag nation was called King Philip’s War. The Indian chief was Metacomet.

22.   Most people in New England were farmers who grew just enough to feed their families.

23.   New Englanders also made a living from the ocean by:

a.       Fishing

b.      Whaling

c.       Ship building

24.   Triangular trade was trade routes among Europe, Africa, North America, and the West Indies.

25.   Harvard was founded in 1636, and was the first college in the thirteen colonies.

26.   During the Great Awakening, new churches with new ideas developed throughout the colonies.