Chapter 7 Causes of the Revolution

Ch. 7 Causes of the Revolution

1. ally – a person or group that joins with another to work toward a goal

2. congress – a group of representatives who meet to discuss a subject

3. rebellion – a fight against a government

4. proclamation – an official public statement

5. tax – money that people pay to their government in return for services

6. smuggling – to import goods illegally

7. liberty – freedom from being controlled by another government

8. protest – an event at which people speak out about an issue

9. boycott – the refusal to buy, sell, or use certain goods

10. repeal – to cancel something, such as a law

11. massacre – the killing of many people

12. correspondence – written communication

13. quarter – to give people food and shelter

14. delegate – someone chosen to speak and act for others

15. Patriot – a colonist who opposed British rule

16. militia – a group of ordinary people who train for battle

17. minutemen – militia with special training. They had to be ready for battle at a minute’s notice.

18. commander – the officer in charge of an army

19. petition – a written request from a number of people

20. The French and Indian War (7 Year War) was fought over the Ohio River Valley. The French got help from the Indians against the British.

21. The Proclamation of 1763 said that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mts.

22. The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament to make colonists pay for soldiers in N. Am.

23. Colonists were upset by the new taxes, because they could not take part in passing tax laws. Colonists had no representatives in the British Parliament.

24. Patrick Henry said, “If this be treason, make the most of it. Give me liberty or give me death!”

25. The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766.

26. In 1767 Parliament passed the Townshend Acts. This angered the colonists, and they boycotted British goods.

27.The boycott worked. Taxes were taken off everything but tea. The tax on tea remained to show that Parliament still had the right to tax the colonies.

28. The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 when angry colonists in Boston fought British soldiers. Five colonists were killed.

29. Three groups that protested the taxes were:

                a. Sons of Liberty

                b. Daughters of Liberty

                c. Committees of Correspondence

30. When colonists dumped tea into Boston Harbor in protest it was called the Boston Tea Party. British Parliament passed laws stopping trade and other things because of it. These were called the Intolerable Acts.

31. Three people who spread the word about the British coming were:

                a. Paul Revere

                b. William Dawes

                c. Samuel Prescott

32. The first battles of the Revolutionary War (American Revolution) were at Lexington and Concord.

33. The Battle of Bunker Hill really took place at Breed’s Hill. The British won when the Patriots ran out of gunpowder.

34. George Washington was chosen as Commander of the Continental army.

35. The colonists wrote the Olive Branch Petition as a last effort to resolve the conflict.