Chapter 8 The War for Independence

Ch. 8 The War for Independence

  1. Independence – freedom from being ruled by someone else
  2. Declaration – a statement that declares, or announces, an idea
  3. Rights – freedoms that are protected by a government’s laws
  4. Treason – the crime of fighting against one’s own government
  5. Loyalist – someone who was still loyal to the king
  6. Neutral – not taking sides
  7. Inflation – a rise in the prices of goods
  8. Retreat – to move away from the enemy
  9. Mercenary – a soldier who is paid to fight for a foreign country
  10. Victory – success in battle against an enemy
  11. Strategy – a plan of action
  12. Traitor – someone who is not loyal
  13. Surrender – to give up
  14. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense. He wrote in favor of independence from Britain.
  15. The Declaration of Independence explains why the colonies should be free. It marked the moment when Americans chose to rule themselves.
  16. Congress asked Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence.
  17. Three groups of colonists in the Revolution were:
    1. Patriots – wanted independence
    2. Loyalists – loyal to Great Britain
    3. Neutral – no side

18. Nathan Hale said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

19. Washington’s army surprised the Germans at Trenton and won.

20. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point for the colonists.

21. Ben Franklin convinced France to help the Patriot cause.

22. Washington’s army spent the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

23. Baron von Steuben came to Valley Forge to train the Continental Army.

24. Benedict Arnold betrayed the Patriot cause and fought for the British.

25. Marion & Greene were successful in wearing out the British in the south.

26. In 1781, the British surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia.

27. The U.S. won the war with the victory at Yorktown. With the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the U.S. gained its independence.