Chapter 10 The Early Republic

Ch. 10 The Early Republic

  1. pioneer – one of the first of a group of people to enter or settle a region
  2. frontier – the edge of a country or settled region
  3. flatboat – a large, rectangular boat partly covered by a roof
  4. canal – a waterway built for boat travel and shipping
  5. manufacturer – someone who uses machines to make goods
  6. corps – a team of people who work together
  7. interpreter – someone who helps speakers of different languages understand each other
  8. source – the place where a river begins
  9. prosperity – economic success and security
  10. nationalism – devotion to one’s country
  11. foreign policy – a government’s actions toward other nations
  12. suffrage – the right to vote
  13. campaign – a series of actions taken toward a goal, such as winning a presidential election
  14. ruling – an official decision
  15. Daniel Boone led pioneers over the Appalachian Mts. At the Cumberland Gap (KY). A new road called the Wilderness Road was also made for easier travel.
  16. The U.S. bought the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the land in 1804.
  17. President Jefferson hired the Corps of Discovery to:
    1. Gather information about plants, animal, etc.
    2. Study cultures of Western Indians
    3. Explore the Missouri and Columbia Rivers
  18. Zebulon Pike explored the Southern part of the Louisiana Territory. Pikes Peak in Colorado is named after him.
  19. Sometimes the British captured American sailors and forced them to serve in the British navy. This was called impressment.
  20. Tecumseh united many Indian nations to fight at Tippecanoe.
  21. The U.S. declared war on Great Britain in hopes of stopping impressments and to keep the British from helping the Indians. This was the War of 1812.
  22. Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner,” our national anthem.
  23. The War of 1812 ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. After the War of 1812, people were proud of their country and had a new sense of nationalism.
  24. The Monroe Doctrine warned that the U.S. might act to protect the Western Hemisphere.
  25. In 1828, Noah Webster published the first dictionary of English that was uniquely American.
  26. Andrew Jackson was the first president from the western frontier. He signed the Indian Removal Act which ordered all Indian nations east of the Mississippi R. to move west of that river.
  27. John Ross, a Cherokee chief, led the fight against Indian removal. He went to the Supreme Court, but President Jackson ignored the ruling in their favor. Thousands of Cherokee were forced to move to what is now Oklahoma. This journey is known as the Trail of Tears.
  28. Chief Osceola fought for the rights of Seminole Indians in Florida.