
    Daily Folder – Your child will be bringing a blue folder home on the first day of school.  The folder will contain homework, notes from me/the office, completed work, and information about schedule changes or upcoming events.  Please make sure you go through your child’s folder nightly and return it the following school day.  This folder is a great way to communicate with me and to check out your student’s awesome learning!

    Birthdays – Students with summer birthdays will be celebrated on their half-birthday.   Students with birthdays during the school year will be celebrated on (or near) their actual birthday.  If you’d like to send treats (without nuts) to school, please feel free! 

    Snacks We ask that each family brings in 24 individually wrapped, healthy snacks to share with the class.  Our class has snack time in the afternoon.  Students are welcome to take the snack being served, or they can bring their own.  Note that we have several students with nut allergies in our building, so no nuts will be allowed.  When this snack supply runs out, your child will be asked to bring their own snack daily, if they wish.