• John C. Deming

    Email: jdeming@sidneyps.com

    (email is my preferred mode of communication)

    Phone: 406-433-2330

    Homeroom: 405


    Good day. My name is John Deming and I have been teaching for 25 years. I have experience teaching 7-12 science as well as chemistry and science teaching courses at the university level. I am married and have three daughters, two of whom are enrolled in Sidney Public Schools. I enjoy fishing (especially fly fishing), hunting, and training labrador retrievers. 

    Education Philosophy

    I do not want to teach students what to think, I want to teach students how to think. I believe that every student has the ability to achieve some intellectual gains when put in the appropriate learning environment. I also believe that the critical thinking skills necessary for success in science can be taught, and this belief drives my teaching and research efforts.

    The fundamental premise that drives my scholarly activity is that science education scholarship should be theory-driven. It is not, "Look at what I did and my kids liked it," but rather, "psychological research suggests that this intervention should promote this outcome. Let's set up an experiment to test this theory." This research then informs teaching and curricular choices, as well as professional development models. 

    If you are interested in the types of research I focus on, please click here to view the 2012 paper I published.


    Here is a list of required materials for my courses:

    2 notebooks (composition notebooks preferred)

    1 non-programmable calculator (I prefer a CASIOfx-300MS or a CASIOfx-350MS)

    1 two-pocket folder

    1 blue or black pen

    1 pencil

    1 transparent ruler

    Other class-specific materials will be listed during class. If you or your family is unable to provide these items for you, please come talk with me and I will provide them for you.


    Generally, students will have access to lesson plans and assignments on Google Classroom. However, I have included links below to the course schedules. These schedules will change as the need arises, but these will be the most current version of daily topics in my classroom.

    Physical Science 

    Special Projects

    Science of Homesteading
