
    Dear Parents,

    Each day your child will participate in a wide variety of math activities. Your child will learn through hands-on experiences, discussion, exploration, and practice. The new learning will be reinforced through carefully considered practice.

    Our math lesson begins with The Calendar Meeting. This is a time when we practice a wide variety of everyday skills. The children will answer questions about the calendar, a daily number or shape pattern, the temperature, graphs, time and money.

    The next part of Math 1 is "The Lesson" when a new concept is presented through discussion and an activity. Concepts and skills in Math 1 include computation, problem-solving strategies, pattern identification, measurement, geometry, money, time, fractions, graphs, and charts.

    Number facts are introduced using fact strategies. We will practice the same facts for fice days using fact cards and facts sheets. Flash cards will also be sent home with your child. Practicing these fact cards daily for five to ten minutes will help your child be more successful in math.

    After each lesson, we will practice the new lesson, as well as concepts previously taught, through guided written practice. The children complete and correct the Remembering side of the practice sheet in class. The side labeled "Homework"  is your child's homework.

    Your child will have math homework on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays unless an assessment falls on one of those days. Please assist your child with their homework by reading the problems on the Homework side, if necessary. Allow for your child to arrive at the answers independently. Check your child's work and help your child correct mistakes. It is very important that your child return their homework the next day. The completion and return of this homework on time is part of their math grade.

    Assessment of your child's progress will occur often. Each written assessment includes skills your child has been practicing throughout the year. We will strive for 80% mastery on all assessments. Any missed objectives will be reviewed and taught again.